Creative with a day-job or Careerist with a hobby? Choose and Create.

Spend even a few minutes a day being creative, and you will be amazed at how much you can achieve. In this episode, I explore creativity, careers, and how we can all express ourselves creatively. You might be a creative with a day job or a careerist with artistic hobbies. Either path can lead to a more fulfilling and expressive life.

We look at what sorts of activities inspired us as youngsters. Then, we bring those activities into our present consciousness so we can explore how we might express ourselves.

Grab a piece of paper and pencil and that’s all you need to begin.

Oh and I did mention a couple of items that I wanted to note here. First, I talked about my favorite story out of Julia Cameron’s “The Artist’s Way.” and second, I mentioned my Kahuna Firewalker meditation. I shared that one on a show last week, and here is the link for that.

As always, if you have questions, or you want to let me know what your obstacles were from the podcast episode, please contact me.

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