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Work On What Matters – What Kind Of Worker Are You?

Entrepreneur, Freelancer, Employee, or Team Player? Which Are You? How your brain works can tell you the kind of work you’re supposed to do. You might have an interest in the arts. Or you might be excellent with numbers. You might have great logic or reasoning abilities. Your talents and skills can drive you into…

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Promise yourself …

Under promise and over deliver even if it is to yourself. Set your goals and then incinerate them. So, what are you invested in? Figure it out and then go to work! Tag someone who needs to see this. #goals #goalsetting #writing #amwriting #personaldevelopment #success #dedicationhasnolimitation #whatareyouinvestedin #wordcount 

Use your resources

Wow. I just traveled back to 1988. An old boss, from that long ago, showed up in my, “people you may know,” suggestions on Twitter. I haven’t spoken to him in decades. He’s a terrific guy. He always had great ideas.  The company at which I worked for him, conducted public records research on philanthropic…