Use your resources

Wow. I just traveled back to 1988. An old boss, from that long ago, showed up in my, “people you may know,” suggestions on Twitter. I haven’t spoken to him in decades. He’s a terrific guy. He always had great ideas. 

The company at which I worked for him, conducted public records research on philanthropic prospects for cool nonprofits. 

The Information Prospector was the first major job I had after college. I learned a lot about looking at how other people do things and at what other people want. We worked on finding out the needs and wishes of philanthropists. And then we prepared reports for nonprofits on how to contact and connect with these philanthropists.

In today’s social media and business world, we have that same access. We can learn about our new clients. We can learn about our contacts. We can use the lessons we learned in business, researching, advocacy, philanthropy, administration, and many others in order to excel today. 

I owe David great big thanks for the lessons he taught me back then. I hope to take those lessons and engage with others to help them learn them as well. 

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