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Promise yourself …

Under promise and over deliver even if it is to yourself. Set your goals and then incinerate them. So, what are you invested in? Figure it out and then go to work! Tag someone who needs to see this. #goals #goalsetting #writing #amwriting #personaldevelopment #success #dedicationhasnolimitation #whatareyouinvestedin #wordcount 

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Have faith. 

Today’s Show Up! Journal power words from my morning free-write.  Today it’s about having faith. What you decide will happen often does if you are willing to be dogged in its pursuit. It’s when you waffle, hesitate, or second-guess yourself that you get in trouble.  Have faith but don’t be foolhardy. Your goal must have…

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It turns out I like the flurry – tending to stay in motion

Yesterday was a crazy day in my life. I had to complete two vastly different projects. First, I was presenting my “Let’s Talk Clouds” workshop at a local middle school. As the Earth Lady, I work with schools to help students jump-start their interest in science, specifically Earth Science. Then, I switched gears and released…

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Today's Tarot: Two of Rods (bold, confident, innovative)

Today’s Tarot: Two of Rods. (I always love this card!) Bold, innovative, confident. To a vegetarian, the phrase, the world is your oyster might mean something different than to someone who eats meat. Having said that, I take it to mean pleasure, joy, success – are yours for the taking. And you can find hidden…

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The Marriage of being a visionary and a doer

The Star, The Moon (reversed) and the Three of Pentacles. Today, it’s pretty simple. There’s a time to be inspired and there’s a time to put our noses to the grindstone and just do the work to make things happen. Some people are idea people, visionaries. They see far and clearly. Their ideas are innovative,…