Order At A Glance

At A Glance: The Order In Which To Complete Missions and Meditations

Complete the Missions and Meditations in the following order when you have no Imbalances and a single Element Designation:

Single Element Designation (No Imbalances) Order in which to complete Missions and Meditations
Earth Air, Water, Fire
Air Fire, Earth, Water
Fire Air, Water, Earth
Water Fire, Earth, Air

Complete the Missions and Meditations in the following order when you have no Imbalances and a Combination Element Designation:

Element Combination (No Imbalances) Order in which to complete Meditations and Missions
Air (dominant)/Fire Fire, Earth, Water
Fire (dominant)/Air Air, Water, Earth
Air (dominant)/Water Water, Earth, Fire
Water (dominant)/Air Air, Fire, Earth
Air (dominant)/Earth Earth, Fire, Water
Earth (dominant)/Air Air, Water, Fire
Water (dominant)/Fire Fire, Earth, Air
Fire (dominant)/Water Water, Air, Earth
Earth (dominant)/Fire Fire, Air, Water
Fire (dominant)/Earth Earth, Air, Water
Water (dominant)/Earth Earth, Fire, Air
Earth (dominant)/Water Water, Air, Fire

Complete the Missions and Meditations in the following order when you have a single Element Imbalance.

Single Element Imbalance Initial Guided Meditation Order for completing Missions and Meditations
Earth Earth, pg. 185 Fire, Air, Water, Earth
Air Air, pg. 155 Water, Fire, Earth, Air
Fire Fire, pg. 160 Earth, Air, Water, Fire
Water Water, pg. 164 Air, Earth, Fire, Water

Complete the Missions and Meditations in the following order when you have a Combination Element Imbalance.

Combination Element Imbalance Initial Meditation or Activity Order in which to complete Missions and Meditations
Air/Fire Earth Guided, pg. 185 Earth, Water, Air, Fire
Air/Water Earth Guided, pg. 185 Earth, Air, Water, Fire
Air/Earth Water Guided, pg. 164 Water, Fire, Air, Earth
Fire/Water Earth Guided, pg. 185 Earth, Air, Fire, Water
Fire/Earth Air Activity, pg. 132 Earth, Fire, Air, Water
Water/Earth Fire Guided, pg. 160 Fire, Air, Water, Earth