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Today's Tarot: Knight of Swords (knowledgeable, decisive, opinionated)

Today’s Tarot: Knight of Swords (knowledgeable, decisive, opinionated) Knights in the deck are a funny lot. Regardless of whether or not their suit is active, they themselves act to fulfill the descriptions of their suits. While cups are about our emotions and rods are about our actions, swords are about our decisions and thinking. They…

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Today's Tarot: Hierophant (learning, knowledge, information)

Learn and then do. Know and then act. Find out and then react. The Hierophant can be a tough taskmaster. He calls on us to know before we act. That can really cramp your style when all you want to do is jump in and get going. But, often when we do that, instead of…

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Today's Tarot: Seven of Cups (wishes, dreams, options)

Today’s Tarot: Seven of Cups (Dreams, options, wishes) The seven of cups is one of my favorite cards with one caveat and it’s that old chestnut, “be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it.” The card shows up when we have options (and sometimes don’t even know what those are) and…

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Today's Tarot: Eight of Pentacles (study, learning, details)

Today’s Tarot: Eight of Pentacles. (study, learning, details) You know that old saying that the Devil is in the details? That’s absolutely the case today. Pay close attention to the details. Read, reread, and then re-reread everything. Make sure you have a clear picture of the exact situation in which you find yourself. Another that…

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Today's Tarot: Justice (Balance, Truth, Consequences)

Today’s Tarot: Justice (Balance, Truth, Consequences) This can be a challenging card because it calls us out on our stuff. No one can lie to us like we can lie to ourselves. No one can rationalize for us like we can do to ourselves, and no one can take us for granted like we can…

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Today's Tarot: The Star (Dreams, Creativity, Inspiration)

Today’s Tarot: The Star Dreams, Creativity, Inspiration. When I think of the Star card, I think of keeping your feet on the ground while reaching for your dreams. In the card, the figure literally has one foot on land (of practicality) and the other in the water (of dreams). She tells us to stay practical…

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This Week's Element: Fire

In “Life Elements” we discuss the transformative nature of Fire. Fire changes everything it touches. It is an alchemy by which one state of matter will change into another. If you want to cultivate the ability to enact change in your life, meditate on Fire’s evolutionary nature. In order to begin one thing, you must…

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It's never as bad as it seems inside your head

Today’s cards are: Nine of Swords, Two of Rods, and the Sun! Yep, I put an exclamation point at the end of the Sun(!) because it’s just that kind of card and something needs to be done about that Nine of Swords.  That Nine of Swords squats inside your head and heart like a miasma….

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Personal Demons? What personal demons?

Ten of Pentacles, Page of Cups, the Hermit. Seriously? These cards? Together?? Normally, when I draw cards, I see some sort of story. This morning? Heh, it will take some doing. The best thing I can tell you is that your intuition is trying to tell you something. Stop ignoring it. Whatever is going on…