The “Intercourse” of Communication and How to do it Right

The “Intercourse” of Communication and How to do it Right Here’s a question that I’ve been pondering recently. How is communication just like intercourse? I know, right? But bear with me. Here’s the thing about this. Communication is a give-and-take some, but sometimes one person gets a little bit more and sometimes the other person…

Use your resources

Wow. I just traveled back to 1988. An old boss, from that long ago, showed up in my, “people you may know,” suggestions on Twitter. I haven’t spoken to him in decades. He’s a terrific guy. He always had great ideas.  The company at which I worked for him, conducted public records research on philanthropic…

Asking for help

It’s funny how today’s Show Up! journal power of words make me feel more vulnerable than powerful. They carry the ring of truth, but they also scare me. As I wrote these words in this morning’s journal, it struck me that I tend not to ask for help. I tend to try to do everything…

Ingredients of success

Today’s Show Up! Journal power words: these are it. After meditating and writing about the idea of success, these are what I came up with.  First, we must breathe and breathe deeply. Accessing our breath allows us to build and extend our patience not to mention oxygenating our blood and maintaining all our systems. Remember,…

Say, “Yes!”

Today’s Show Up! Journal power words. Actually, it’s only one power word. The word is, “yes.” Do you have an idea? Say yes to it. Do you want to try something? Say yes. Do you want to do something new, be someone new, try something new? Say yes. Throwing ourselves into the attempt is how…

Build your own castle

Today’s Show Up! Journal power words: sure, you can spend your time envying the advantages other people have. But that takes you away from working your own stuff, from making your own advantages. In the end, all we have is what we bring. If we focus on coveting what other people have, we aren’t honing…