Are you scared?

Today’s Show Up Journal power words: Are you scared? Good. A little fear is good. It will sharpen you, but don’t let it paralyze you. Stop wasting time and do the work. Do. Create. Do you feel unhappy? Do you think you’re a failure? It’s time to rethink that. Change your thoughts. Transform them. Turn…

Asking for help

It’s funny how today’s Show Up! journal power of words make me feel more vulnerable than powerful. They carry the ring of truth, but they also scare me. As I wrote these words in this morning’s journal, it struck me that I tend not to ask for help. I tend to try to do everything…

Ingredients of success

Today’s Show Up! Journal power words: these are it. After meditating and writing about the idea of success, these are what I came up with.  First, we must breathe and breathe deeply. Accessing our breath allows us to build and extend our patience not to mention oxygenating our blood and maintaining all our systems. Remember,…