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Words, Camera, Action!

Words, Camera, Action! How beloved movie and TV quotes can spark our creativity, inspire us, and improve our lives. Welcome to a brand new feature on this site. If you know me at all, you know how much I adore movies. Particularly, I love the words characters say. Good screenplay writing will tug at your heart….

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“Hello! Can Anybody Hear Me?” and other voice issues

I talked before about finding your voice in the written word and will explore that further in the future. Today, I want to speak about audio. Audio is ubiquitous with more and more people starting podcasts, posting live videos, and presenting live in meetings and during the course of their lives. As we develop our…

Asking for help

It’s funny how today’s Show Up! journal power of words make me feel more vulnerable than powerful. They carry the ring of truth, but they also scare me. As I wrote these words in this morning’s journal, it struck me that I tend not to ask for help. I tend to try to do everything…