Workshop Contents

See What We Cover In Each Version

Four-Hour Workshop Includes:

  • Stress relief techniques and activities, exploration and experiential activities on combatting nervousness.
  • Confidence-building physical, emotional, and psychological techniques.
  • Instruction on synthesizing information from disparate sources to produce compelling/exciting content.
  • Practicum on audience engagement.
  • Physical warm-up, presentation, feedback techniques.
  • Cultural influences on appropriate presentation methods
  • Instruction and Practicum on crafting compelling and engaging stories for communication of data and information.
  • Instruction and Practicum on relating individualized stories that relate and resonate as poignant.
  • Evaluation and feedback of participants’ stories.

One-day seminar:

  • Stress relief techniques and activities, exploration and experiential activities on combatting nervousness.
  • Confidence-building physical, emotional, and psychological techniques.
  • Instruction on synthesizing information from disparate sources.
  • Practicum on audience engagement.
  • Physical warm-up, presentation, feedback techniques.
  • Instruction and Practicum on crafting compelling and engaging stories for communication of data and information.
  • Instruction and Practicum on relating individualized stories that relate and resonate as poignant.
  • Cultural influences on appropriate presentation methods.
  • Practicum: Individual development, practice and, communication of information.
  • Break-out sessions collaborating on creating engaging presentations and data communication.
  • Individual practice of communication of information.
  • Additional techniques and activities to build confidence and relationship to the audience.
  • Advanced audience connection and engagement techniques.
  • Presentation of previous for evaluation and feedback.
  • Instruction on gauging audience engagement, building awareness skills on audience attention and engagement.

Three-day Seminar Intensive

  • Stress relief techniques and activities, exploration and experiential activities on combatting nervousness.
  • Confidence-building physical, emotional, and psychological techniques.
  • Instruction on synthesizing information from disparate sources.
  • Practicum on audience engagement.
  • Physical warm-up, presentation, feedback techniques.
  • Instruction and Practicum on crafting compelling and engaging stories for communication of data and information.
  • Instruction and Practicum on relating individualized stories that relate and resonate as poignant.
  • Cultural influences on appropriate presentation methods.
  • Practicum: Individual development, practice and, communication of information.
  • Reflection, discussion, and evaluation of compelling, engaging content in various subjects and activities.
  • Break-out sessions collaborating on creating engaging presentations and data communication.
  • Presentation of previous for evaluation and feedback.
  • Instruction on gauging audience engagement, building awareness skills on audience attention and engagement.
  • Overnight editing, practice, and attention to each skill.
  • Individual practice of communication of information.
  • Additional techniques and activities to build confidence and relationship to the audience.
  • Advanced audience connection & engagement techniques.
  • Development of a presentation (two slides/four minutes) of data for practicum in communication, presenting information with optimal engagement via various vocal, physical, and storytelling techniques including multimedia and their optimal uses in presenting information/data.
  • All participants will present and receive evaluation and feedback of presentation and storytelling skills, and audience engagement.
  • Participants will explore crafting stories utilizing written word, role-playing, & multimedia sources and will present them for feedback and evaluation and improvement.