
Start Writing Books

Start Writing Your Book! You know what’s really funny about me and writing? Even though I’ve written five books, I still look at myself in the mirror and say, “Nah, you’re not a writer.” And yet I’ve done it. Five times. I sat down and put words together in a way no one else has…

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Bouts With the Doubt Devil

Beating Back The Doubt Devil Available September 1, 2018. Every writer I’ve ever met has that thought. At least once during the writing process, we all run the “What am I thinking?? I’m not a writer!” doubt gauntlet. I’d wager anyone who has ever stretched for any goal has carried that burden. I’m no different. While…


How to Increase Kindness in Communication

Communicate with Kindness to Improve The World Kindness in language has been on my mind recently. Certain phrases and idiomatic expressions in languages are violent and horrifying. We communicate and use them and likely don’t give them a second thought. They are just things we say, but I have found them increasingly worrisome, especially in this…

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How to Achieve the Goal – A Simple Guide

Do You Want to Achieve Something? Here’s How – a “Teleparable.” I strive to achieve my goals through a combination of action and observation. One of my favorite places to learn lessons is from the wisdom of television and movie writing. My friend Dan calls these nuggets “teleparables.” Here’s one that has stuck with me….

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Promise yourself …

Under promise and over deliver even if it is to yourself. Set your goals and then incinerate them. So, what are you invested in? Figure it out and then go to work! Tag someone who needs to see this. #goals #goalsetting #writing #amwriting #personaldevelopment #success #dedicationhasnolimitation #whatareyouinvestedin #wordcount 

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Moving Beyond Terror = Showing Up

Yesterday, when I promised to write about this topic, I thought I would be rarin’ to go. I’m amazed how insidious that self-doubt can be. I’ll do anything to avoid getting my butt in the seat and doing the work. I’ll walk the dog, I’ll meditate (again). I’ll drink more water. By themselves, these things…