Discover the Magic of an Irresistible Artist Website with Eric Henning

Boost Your Bookings with a High-Impact Artist Website

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It’s “Money Monday,” and we’re thrilled to have financial expert and professional magician Eric Henning back with us. This week, we delve into the art and science of crafting a compelling website for performing and creative artists.

Join us as Eric shares his wealth of knowledge on what makes a website irresistible to both booking agents and especially end clients. Discover the key elements that can instantly grab attention, the importance of an engaging ‘About’ page, and the power of client testimonials. Eric also reveals how to seamlessly integrate high-quality multimedia content, make the booking process a breeze, and strategically use SEO to boost your visibility.

Whether you’re a magician, musician, or any other performing artist, you’ll learn how to create a website that not only promotes your talent but also engages your audience and builds a loyal fanbase.

Tune in to transform your online presence and attract more bookings and fans!

Listen to the episode now and share it with your fellow artists and performers who are looking to elevate their online presence. Subscribe to the Creative Solutions Podcast for more expert insights every week!

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If you sign up for a 30-minute coaching session at Eric’s Money Arts Academy (, use the code Izolda to transform your 30-minute session into a 60-minute one!

Stay creative, stay inspired, and remember – you’ve got this!

Follow Eric on Instagram: @moneyartsacademy

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