Discover a new author, Kim Kash: Ocean City Lowdown

Ocean City Lowdown introduces Eastern Shore Maryland reporter Jamie August, who has a talent for unearthing more than her editor wants and a weakness for Ravens jerseys and sparkly underwear. Jamie’s tenacity, smarts, and sheer recklessness—plus some smokin’ striptease dance moves—can get her out of some tight spots, but are they enough to save her from a psychopathic arsonist and two generations of corrupt real estate tycoons? 
At the end of this Discover Authors tour, one lucky guy or girl will walk away with a free copy of Ocean City Lowdown! For real. How? It’s so easy. Just email me at to let me know you’re interested, and keep your fingers crossed! 
Meanwhile, here’s a teeny free sample to whet your appetite: 
Donald leaned forward earnestly. “Bayview Preserve is the biggest and most high-end of all the Ivory projects. It will have its own main street, with a Reynauld’s Steakhouse, a sushi bar, a Starbucks and some retail gallery space with artists’ lofts above them. This establishes Ocean City as an upscale place for people from Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and even New York, to own a beach home,” he said. “It’s going to change the way the world looks at Ocean City! Coastal Life magazine is going to be featuring Bayview Preserve in an upcoming issue, and of course, the opening is going to be front-page news in the Weekly Breeze.”
I envisioned a pod of plywood houses sprouting out of the reeds of Assawoman Bay, within earshot of a dinosaur-themed mini-golf course and a teen nightclub in a metal agricultural warehouse. I examined Donald’s face, and didn’t see any hint of sarcasm. Hmm.
“Okay, so what kind of coverage do you want? Should I look at the history of the company? Market trends for bayside development? I could talk to the engineers who figured out how to fill in the marshland…”
“We’re going to devote most of Lifestyles to Bayview Preserve, and you’ll actually need to do a couple of stories,” Donald said. “So, sure, talk about the real estate trends and maybe a little about the engineering if there’s a story there, but we are not doing an expose on the big, bad developers, okay? Forget it. This is a Beach’n’Bay Lifestyles feature.”
“Got it.”
“I’m serious, Jamie. There is nothing to investigate here.”
“Okay. No investigating. I promise.” I held up my hand, Girl Scout style.

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