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Don’t Let Your Speaking Voice Silence You!

Does how your voice sounds mess with your head? Do you hear yourself and cringe? Even though many people tell us we shouldn’t care about that, lots of us still do.

And that insecurity might be keeping you from putting out content and connecting with your audience. And if you have to speak to people as part of your work, it might also be keeping you from being your best at your job.

So, here are a few tips on how to rise up and kick fear’s butt.

  1. Let the ick go. Unless you have a 6,500.00 microphone, you aren’t getting a fair representation of what you sound like anyway. So, if you can release the fear and just create, that would be great!
  2. Breathe. Breathe deeply before you start speaking. It will relax your vocal area and you’ll sound more full, chill, and resonant (audiences love that).
  3. Gently massage your face (especially your lips, cheeks, and jawline) before speaking. If you warm up those muscles, you’ll be able to speak better and easier.
  4. Open your mouth when you speak. You should be able to put the tips of two fingers between your teeth anytime you’re speaking. It will help you sound louder, fuller, and level-up your voice’s character.
  5. Enunciate. Focus on the words your saying. Form them well and you’ll sound better.
  6. Focus. Think about what you’re about to say. That way you won’t sound hesitant and weak.
  7. Allow your feelings to come through when you speak. Fear, insecurity, and dread will make you sound like a robot. Get into your feelings. Spend some time figuring out how you feel before you go on the air. And then let your feelings shine through your voice.
  8. Have confidence. Believe in what you’re saying. If you don’t believe it, that will come through to your audience. So, either believe in it or don’t say it.
  9. Finish strong. Think about the last sentence you’re going to say in your video or podcast. Think it. Form it. Say it in your head. It will help you finish strong.
  10. Forgive yourself if you screw up. We all do. No big. I’ve spoken in front of thousands of people in huge arenas. And I’ve screwed up. I owned it and made a joke about it. We all laughed, and then we all moved on just a bit closer to one another.
  11. Remember, when you speak you’re vulnerable. And that. is. a. good. thing. Don’t be afraid to show your vulnerability. It will deepen your relationship to your tribe.

If you’ve read this far …

And now, if you’ve read this far, I’m going to make you an offer. If you’re really nervous about speaking in public because you’re not crazy about your voice, I can help.

The first three people who contact me will get a one-on-one with me. We’ll do twenty minutes so I can help you get your voice on point. You’ll speak with more conviction, passion, and honesty. And your audiences will love it!

And isn’t that point?

[bctt tweet=”Believe in what you’re saying. If you don’t believe it, that will come through to your audience. So, either believe in it or don’t say it.” username=”izoldat”]

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