New Stand-Up Comics Share Their Journey

Encouraging Courage Through Stand-up Comedy

Welcome to the last week of student interviews from the Intro to Stand-up Comedy class I took at the People’s Improv Theater in New York City, NY.

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These three hilarious comedians and terrific people shared their journeys, fears, wins, and processes in getting to the stage. Plus, they kindly shared some of their sets so you can laugh with them directly!

One of the things I’ve loved about this series is that several of the people came back multiple times so you can hear their process as they develop and grow. It will inspire you and make you laugh.

Next week, I’ll have the pleasure of welcoming comedian Chris Griggs to the show to talk performing and teaching stand-up comedy. But for now, you’ll love getting to know Kyriaki, Tom, and Molly better.

Kyriaki Chonacas


To learn more about Kyriaki Chonacas, her comedy, music, and other offerings, head to

Instagram: @chonacas

The Sophisticated Psychos

Tom Fickle


Instagram: @tomfickle

Molly Bossardt

Find Molly on

Instagram: molzbalz (Personal) and buyingbrooklyn (Real Estate)


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