Solutions Not Resolutions

Instead of Resolutions, Find Solutions To Make Your New Year’s Bright Many of us make New Year’s Resolutions every December 31st. We resolve to lose weight or to save more money. But we don’t have solutions on how to do it. So, we end up repeating previous year’s promises. If you want to break that cycle, listen to…

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Problem-Solving Matrices

Five Tips to Use the Creative Problem-Solving Matrix to Improve Your Skills In this week’s episode, I explore the problem-solving matrix. I delve into our process when approaching an issue to solve. I’ve developed two matrices. The first looks at traditional approaches to arriving at solutions. Additionally, the second provides a creative perspective. If you…

How to: strategic vs tactical thinking – a packing primer

Self-made Creative podcast episode: 20180604 In today’s episode, I explore strategic and tactical thinking and how we can do it to optimize our planning, innovation, and success. Whether it is a creative endeavor or you are traveling, either way it’s what you can do to prepare and succeed. If you know someone who could benefit…