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Today's Tarot: Page of Swords (Be honest, be conscientious, be mindful)

It starts with being honest with ourselves. In the end, that’s most important. I find that my own capacity for pulling the wool over my own eyes can be quite vast. So, I constantly have to remind myself to assess where I am, what I am going through, what I want, and what I will…

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Today's Tarot: Magician (integration, consciousness, purposeful action)

The Magician always takes me a little by surprise because he brings a clarion call to purposeful action. I tend to to think that I do most things on purpose and with purpose but then I draw the Magician and stop and think about what I’m doing and how I’m doing it. And then I…

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Today's Tarot: Knight of Swords (knowledgeable, decisive, opinionated)

Today’s Tarot: Knight of Swords (knowledgeable, decisive, opinionated) Knights in the deck are a funny lot. Regardless of whether or not their suit is active, they themselves act to fulfill the descriptions of their suits. While cups are about our emotions and rods are about our actions, swords are about our decisions and thinking. They…

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Today's Tarot: Five of Cups (loss, regret, crying over spilled milk and what you can do about it)

Today’s Tarot: Five of Cups (loss, regret, crying over spilled milk and what you can do about it) The Cups are the suit of the emotions in the deck. Some are fantastic like the Ten (love of family, contentment, joy) and some, not so wonderful. The Five of Cups falls in the less than ideal…

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Today's Tarot: Hierophant (learning, knowledge, information)

Learn and then do. Know and then act. Find out and then react. The Hierophant can be a tough taskmaster. He calls on us to know before we act. That can really cramp your style when all you want to do is jump in and get going. But, often when we do that, instead of…

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Today's Tarot: Knight of Cups (emotional, imaginative, aware)

Romantic, moody, emotional, compassionate, creative, imaginative, feeling – these all describe the Knight of Cups. Today is a day to really get into how we feel and what it means to be us in our shoes, at this time and in this place. Sometimes, it’s easy to know how we feel. When my cat climbs…

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Today's Tarot: Six of Cups (innocence, childhood, play)

Six of Cups (innocence, childhood, play) Is ignorance really bliss? That’s the question the six of cups makes me ponder this morning. It’s all about childhood innocence and play. When you pull the six of cups, you know you are in for a treat because it tends to hearken back to times of fun and…

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Today's Tarot: King of Rods (Bold, active, creating)

Today’s Tarot: King of Rods (Bold, active, creating) The King of Rods doesn’t suffer lazybones gladly. In fact, he strides by those who would sit and do nothing as he creates and achieves. In his mind, there are great deeds to accomplish, great things to invent, and great times to be had. He is active…