What’s Up With 2021

One of the ways I hone my intuitive gifts is reading tarot cards. My great grandmother taught me in the Soviet Union when I was about four years old. She taught me with regular playing cards, and I had no idea tarot cards existed until I was in my teens here in the USA.

The first time I saw them as a teen a memory struck me of Grandma Golda talking to me about what the cards might mean while she fried potatoes for my lunch (I come by my love of french fries honestly).

I started reading professionally more than 30 years ago. And this year has made things go in a different direction with virtual readings for hundreds of people (thank you, Zoom!).

Last night as the clock struck midnight and 2020 turned over into 2021, I picked three cards for all of us and thought I’d share my interpretation with you. If my reading resonates with you, keep the best, lose the rest. Enjoy!

First card: Three of Cups.

Joyful celebration in partnership. Oh, heck yeah! We have found and will keep finding ways of coming together. Here’s the thing. You have to keep taking care of yourself in the meantime. The joyful part only happens if we can all find it and nourish it. So, will it be a little while before we get to hang together in one place again? Yes. Will it happen? Yes. But first, there’s some healing to be done. Take. Care. Of. Yourself. Before you reach around to help others, put your own oxygen mask on.

This year is a turning point. If we can move past the wacky, messed up things that divide us, we are unstoppable together. Think about every disaster movie you’ve ever seen. We come together to work through it and emerge battered but victorious. One of my favorite silly examples of this is the movie Independence Day. Yes, I know Jeff Goldblum and Will Smith save the world with a C++ programmed virus (that the mother ship from another galaxy just so happened to use too). But bear with me anyway. Before that silliness happened, the people of the world came together to work as one. We put aside differences to focus on one goal. And that is what the Three of Cups means to me. Break bread with your “enemies,” and you will find they butter their bread the same way you do.

So, celebrate what you can when you can with whomever you can. That shift in mindset from divided to together is the way to start.

Second card: Six of Pentacles

Balancing teaching and learning to live fully. I love this card. I’m a teacher at heart. I love helping people learn, strive, and grow. Seeing someone’s eyes light up as they “get” it, is the best. This year will bring its own set of challenges. But here’s the thing. If you change your mindset to one of a surfer, you’ll ride the wave. A surfer has to be mindful and agile. And we have to be the same way. You’ll get the opportunity to teach others what you know. If you do it, you’ll get some great rewards especially April – June. But you’ll also get the opportunity to learn. Take it. Say “yes!” to those. Every instant is a chance to learn. And everything you learn will inform the choices you make and the actions you take.

But remember, this card is also about balance. Don’t buy into anyone’s BS. Think critically. Question. Ask. And also listen and learn. The pentacles are the suit of being grounded, centered, and stable. So, that’s where they ask you to sit. Be grounded and centered as you make your decisions and choices. Everything in this card is about balance. So, if you’re getting information that makes you fearful or off-kilter, ask yourself why they’re giving you the information that way and why you’re reacting the way you are.

This summer will be a huge opportunity to break through the walls of misunderstandings. Heal old wounds. Find balance. And in August, seek a new set of skills. Be like a child who’s just discovered playing pretend. Create your own story from what you know and what you’re learning.

Third Card: Queen of Rods

Passion, action, forward motion internally. The last part of the year will be about fire. Rods are the suit of passion, action, and forward motion. The Queens are the internal aspects of their suits. So, the Queen of Rods asks you to take a chance on yourself. Do what you’ve been dreaming of doing. Take the leap of faith.

You might fall. That is OK. Because you’ll know you tried. The latter part of the year will be about practicing the art of taking chances. Feel the fear and do it anyway. Risk your heart. Risk other people telling you you’re batty. Risk it so you can say you did it – not to them, but to yourself.

I hope you have the confidence in yourself that I have in you. I believe we all have a genius inside us. It’s just that so many of us haven’t brought that genius out to play in forever and a day. Either because of fear or lack of time or resources, that super creative, exciting, “I know what let’s do,” part of us tends to sit in the back. This autumn and into the beginning of winter will be all about bringing it to the front of the bus. Heck, it’ll be putting it in the driver’s seat. You deserve to live with sizzle, and the Queen of Rods is the just the card to help you do it.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this 2021 writeup. I do private readings still (though not as much so appointments are limited). And I’ll do another one of these at the beginning of 2022. Love you lots, Izolda

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