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Discover a new author: Annie Douglass Lima (Prince of Alasia)

For the next ten days (Aug 10 – 19), I will be participating in an author discovery through DiscoverAuthors.wordpress.com.  Each day, this blog will feature a different author and one of their books; the other authors will also feature me and one another on their blogs. I haven’t read the books, but they look really great…

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Today's Tarot: Nine of Swords (First rule, be careful with yourself)

I’ll be honest. It’s not the most pleasant of cards. It talks about stress, worry, potential illness, and general malaise. It doesn’t mean that your day is going to be like that. It does however mean that you need to be on the lookout for those kinds of distressing feelings and situations. And then, you…

Sixty Second Stories

I’m writing a mini-story every day for the next year. Here’s today’s from the prompt word “fences.” “We’re going to have to mend some fences eventually,” Sheila said. “There’s always a need to make peace with family even if you don’t particularly like them.” “What? What are you talking about?” Barbie asked petulantly. “Nothing,” Sheila…