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Choose Like Luke Skywalker To Change Everything

How Being Like Luke Skywalker Changes Your Clarity, Wisdom, and Decisiveness. This week’s quote: “You’ve failed, your highness. I am a Jedi like my father before me.” Sometimes, I pretend I am Luke Skywalker. I know, I know. “Huh?” But bear with me. Choosing makes me struggle. I agonize, and I hit the breaking point…


How to Get Out of Autopilot and Re-energize Your Mind

How to Get Out of Autopilot and Re-energize Your Mind Enjoy this mini-Tell Your Story Better podcast episode 161.5. In it, I talk about a simple technique to get you out of autopilot and into your more creative, energized mind. It’s a simple technique, but it really works. And it does so without you having to…