All I ask us five minutes of your time
Dedicating five minutes of your time will make miracles. Find out how.
Dedicating five minutes of your time will make miracles. Find out how.
Enjoy this encore episode. New episodes will begin May 29th with the inimitable Ryan Hayashi.
Today’s power words from my Show Up! Journal free-write. It’s physics. The more force we exert in any one direction the more vulnerable we become from other directions. So, it makes sense to not be rigid or too regimented in any aspect of our lives. Whether it is the way we think, the way we…
The Importance of Having a Creative Anchor in Everything You Do This episode is brought to you by Izolda’s favorite productivity and well-being app,*, and this podcast’s host Podbean*. In this bonus episode, I explore why we as creatives need anchors on our wildest flights of fancy as we create and produce the most innovative… Unlocking the Secrets of Gut Health: Why Your Poop Matters This episode is brought to you by my favorite productivity and well-being app,* and my book on how to become a stellar speaker, Speak From Within. Discover the secrets to unlock your inner leader! Download the free confidence-building tip sheet now! Grab a complimentary 15-minute consultation with…
Can you unknow what you know? How Our Minds Work When Getting New Information and Deciding How to Respond To It This episode is brought to you by I love and use! It combines music and neuroscience to help me focus, meditate, and even sleep! Because you listen to this show, you can…
I get it. You’ve got a ton to do. Every day. But somewhere in the back of your head, this tiny voice is saying, “But didn’t you say you want to write a book/act in a play/learn the guitar?” And as much as you try to ignore that little voice, it never hushes up. I’ve…