Bestselling Author JC Andrijeski Writes Sexy, Paranormal books

I’m thrilled to welcome Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestselling author, JC Andrijeski to the show. She’s written more than 30 books (and numerous short stories) in the science fiction, paranormal, cyberpunk-like and urban fantasy genres. Many of her books are parts of series like the Quentin Black psychic detective books or the latest Nick Tanaka Vampire detective books. Her books are sexy, gritty, romantic, and often dystopian. In a word, I find her books pageturners. You want to know what happens next, and the sex and romance sizzle.
We talked about how she writes her compelling, romantic, and sexy books. And we talked about her path to becoming a full-time author. If you want to know the secrets to getting your life set up for becoming a full-time creative, check out this fantastic episode.

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And if you’ve been dreaming of finally starting to write your book, grab the only workbook you need to get started. Start writing your book today!
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And remember, if you want to write your book, get the workbook that’ll make it simple to start.

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