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Today's Tarot: Seven of Cups (wishes, dreams, options)

Today’s Tarot: Seven of Cups (Dreams, options, wishes) The seven of cups is one of my favorite cards with one caveat and it’s that old chestnut, “be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it.” The card shows up when we have options (and sometimes don’t even know what those are) and…

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Today's Tarot: Ten of Rods (Struggle, Movement, Motion)

Today’s Tarot: Ten of Rods (Struggle, Movement, Motion) Have you ever felt like just packing up all your toys and going home? Sometimes, after struggling to make something work or to make your square peg fit into something else’s round hole, or just to pretend long enough and hard enough that you actually care about the…

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Today's Tarot: The High Priestess (secrets, internal awareness, independence)

Today’s Tarot: The High Priestess. (Secrets, Internal awareness, Independence) In my mind, there are two big archetypical women in the deck. The first is the Empress, who represents the caring, mothering aspect. Then, there is the High Priestess who represents the strong, independent aspect. She holds herself to herself, knows what she wants, and gets…

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The secret lives of me: Neuroscience, Edna, and Eloise

Woo HOO! Edna, Eloise, Astrid, and Elora LIVE!! Some of you have read my thoughts on how I manage my time, my memory, my social interactions, my calendar and my creativity (http://izoldat.blogspot.com/2012/12/inspiration-sometimes-comes-as-three.html). I have given names to each of those aspects of myself.  Edna rules my memory and knowledge. Eloise rules my social interactions. Astrid…

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In high school, I played Jennie Parsons in our production of “Down in the Valley.” There is a point at which Jennie must scream the scream to end all screams, at which point, the entire action of the show comes to a dead stop and it’s just her scream that sounds and sounds and sounds….

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Today's Tarot: The Moon (uncertainty, choices, intuition)

Today’s Tarot: The Moon (uncertainty, choices, intuition) In our eyes, we have two viewfinders, as it were. They are the rods and the cones. Cones are shaped like prisms. We use the cones in our eyes to see colors and for daytime viewing. The rods, shaped, like long cylinders, are best used for night vision. …

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Today's Tarot: Eight of Swords (imprisonment, restriction, oppression)

Today’s Tarot: Eight of Swords (Imprisonment, Restriction, Oppression) This card can be quite daunting. The figure stands in a circle surrounded by swords. Usually, we take this card to mean she is somehow imprisoned by the swords. Yet, over the years, I’ve been overwhelmed with the number of times, I’ve instead seen the potential within…

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Today's Tarot: Eight of Pentacles (study, learning, details)

Today’s Tarot: Eight of Pentacles. (study, learning, details) You know that old saying that the Devil is in the details? That’s absolutely the case today. Pay close attention to the details. Read, reread, and then re-reread everything. Make sure you have a clear picture of the exact situation in which you find yourself. Another that…

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Today's Tarot: Four of Pentacles (Control, taking stock, being possessive)

Today’s Tarot: Four of Pentacles (Control, Taking Stock, Being Possessive) The Four of Pentacles always makes me think of grabbing my life’s bull by its horns and the difference between how others view us and how we view ourselves. Let’s take the words self-centered. In our society, we generally have a negative view of someone…