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Today's Tarot: Wheel of Fortune (Chance, Luck, Destiny)

Today’s Tarot: Wheel of Fortune.  Chance. Luck. Destiny Ah, Lady Luck, you can either be salvation or you can be utter destruction and relying on you to be either at any one time is definitely a fool’s game. Today, ride your lucky streak but don’t ever depend on it. If you were a gambler, I’d…

Today's Tarot: Three of Pentacles (work, accomplish, achieve)

Today’s Tarot: Three of Pentacles. Work. Accomplish. Achieve. This card is about the business of doing business. You want something to happen? Sometimes, you just have to roll up your sleeves and go make it happen. It won’t just come to you because you wish for it (sadly, though wouldn’t that be cool).  Intent really…

Today's Tarot: The Empress (nourishment, abundance, creativity)

Today’s Tarot: The Empress Nourishment, abundance, creativity. The Empress represents the mothering aspect. While this can be biological, it doesn’t have to be. The card asks us to nourish that which we love: our dreams, our children, our friends and family, or ourselves.  Today, think about what you care about and then infuse it with…

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Today's Tarot: Two of Cups: Love your Partners in Crime

Today’s Tarot: Two of Cups.  Attraction, Union, Optimism. If in the romance aspect of life, this is a time to follow that which attracts you. Acknowledge that the heart wants what it wants. Better to go for it, risk rejection, and know once and for all than to sit in darkness and curse the light….

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Les Miserables Review – Much to love. Much to be tweaked by

Saw Les Mis today. I fully expect Ms. Hathaway and Mr. Jackman to stand on stage and accept their Academy Awards (her in support and him for leading actor). They both did a terrific job. Hathaway especially blew me away. She has an expressive face and she used it so well to show us Fantine’s…

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An End to Bullying – Full Stop

I have been reading a bunch of blogs and articles on how we need to stop kids from being bullied because they are gay. Today, especially, there are a few articles because Nate Silver (the statistitian who so accurately predicted Obama’s re-election) is gay and the news about it went  public yesterday. So, today, blog…