The Creative Mindset Podcast
How you can use creative thinking to do your best work and live your best life.
Get into your creative mindset and still get all your stuff done. The show’s moved to a slightly different format. Instead of being weekly, you’ll get daily thoughts on creativity, success, communication, and what it takes to create the change you want to see.
Tell me if this sounds familiar. You spend your days and nights taking care of your professional and family life. You run around so much you barely have two minutes to rub together for anything else. A half-finished novel sits on your computer. A guitar you’ve always wanted to play hides in the back of the closet. You look longingly at your kid’s old watercolor paint set. Because you haven’t touched a brush in years.
Does any of this ring true? What forgotten creative project sits in your closet? What would you do if you had the time and energy to create something?
You might not realize it, but you need that creative part of yourself. If you find yourself daydreaming about making something of your own, you need it big time. And what’s more, you deserve to have the time for it. So, what’s keeping you? Are you too busy? Is there too much to get done to bother with creating something?
Here’s the thing. If you allow yourself the chance to get into that creative mode, you’ll win! You will get more mental and physical energy and clarity from the act of creating. You’ll also develop better problem-solving skills. Further, you’ll innovate like crazy at work and at home. That’s what being creative does for you.
No Time to Create?
But if you’re worried about not having the time, then this podcast is for you. In these episodes, I give tips, ideas, and techniques on how to make it happen. You’ll learn how to organize and get your stuff done so you can have time to create. I also interview people who’ve reached that mountaintop. Full-time creatives and professionals who thinking innovatively give their ideas, challenges, and successes.
If you’re ready to start your creative life, get going. If you want help, I’m here.
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