Do This to Add the Value Your Potential Clients, Customers, or Bosses Really Want

Are you posting all day every day on social media to try and reach your potential clients, customers or employers? And are you hearing nothing but crickets? Sometimes, even though we post a ton of content, we’re not reaching, really reaching, our audience.

In this episode, I detail an effective technique to figure out what to post and how, so you make the connections and build the relationships to succeed.

You want to be authentic, and you want to be useful. But what if you aren’t sure exactly how to bring that across. Listen to the episode and you’ll learn two techniques to do it.

Share this out if you know someone who’s frustrated by their lack of connection to their intended audience. It will help them connect in an authentic and more importantly, valuable way. Particularly, if you’re a creative or an artist, this episode will guide you towards better interactions.

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