Compelling Content – How To Create It So You Can Make a Difference.
If you have a website and you want to get more people looking at your content, listen to today’s show.

I’m thrilled to welcome my new and good friend Jake Ballinger to this week’s podcast episode. Jake is an SEO (search engine optimization expert) and content marketing expert. He works with coaches, companies, and organizations to help them get more visible and findable on the internet so they can get more business and do more good. Get “Trojan Horse,” his outstanding workbook on how to create incredible content that people want to read.
I find three things remarkable about him. One, he’s young and already super successful. Two, he lives a nomadic lifestyle. In other words, he has no fixed address. Instead, he travels with the entire planet as his office. And three, he only works with companies, people, and organizations who try to make the world a better place.
On top of all that, he is a terrific, personable and engaging person. You’re going to love getting to know him and what he’s doing to raise the content and visibility of those trying to do good in the world.
In the show, we discussed what the average person and small business can do to get more noticed online. We talked about how to write content that will usher people towards your website. Additionally, I couldn’t let Jake go without asking him about his life philosophy as a traveler. He recommended several books people to look up, and I’ve listed them below.
Vagabonding by Rolf Potts and Timothy Ferriss
Side Hustle by Chris Guillebeau
$100 Startup by Chris Guillebeau
Thanks for listening, and if you like what you’re hearing, tell a friend.