Friend zone marketing – this marketing trend is kind of icky

Friend zone marketingFriend zone marketing. I’m going to come out and say it. I am struck by the recent trend of many online marketers of calling me, “friend.“

“Friend, I have to tell you this about why your social media marketing needs my help,” or something like it has come through my feed. Have you gotten those emails? Do they make you feel awkward too?

I get it. It’s a way of forgoing the mail merge function on your email marketing provider. You don’t even have to go the extra step of mail merging the first name. Now, all you have to do is call me, “friend.“

And it’s a way of seeming to be closer than we actually are. It feels uncomfortable and disingenuous. 

Does it skeeze you out a little too?

I would like for marketing to be more real. If you don’t know the person you’re emailing to sell them something, don’t presume a friendship you don’t have. They’ll find it odd. 

Instead, be real. Be authentic. And if you ever do get to be friends with them, then you can consider yourself lucky enough to call them one.


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