How To Beat The Blues During The Holiday Season

beat the bluesMany of us feel isolated and lonely this time of year. In this last episode of the holiday survival guide, I explore ways to beat the blues.

I promised you a few things in the episode. Here is a pdf of a few holiday songs. Feel free to look at it on phones and sing the songs together. Remember, you don’t have to have a great feast to feel like you’ve done for your friends and family. You can make sandwiches, watch “A Christmas Story,” and sing songs together.

Here is a delicious gluten-free, plant-based cookie recipe. Make it to make your home smell amazing. Smell has the greatest connection to our emotional state (and memory). And nothing says contentment like the aroma of baking cookies.

Here is a delicious and easy sugar cookie recipe.

I wish for you a happy, healthy, and abundant season. I’ll see you next year! With love, Izolda

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