How to Infuse Yourself With Confidence

confidenceConfidence starts when we find its seed. Some of us get the kernel from parents or other guardians. They nurture our self-esteem as we grow. Others miss out on mentors who help them develop confidence. When that happens, we have to nourish our confidence on our own. We have to invent or imagine the seed and then nurture it to maturity. This seed grows when we build on a foundation of imagination. We have to re-direct our feelings of low self-love into feelings of worth. We do it by acting “as if.”
If you act and treat yourself as if you are worth loving, those feelings will eventually bloom. Even if you’re missing the kernel of self-worth that ought to have been instilled when you were a youngster, you can still form it.
[bctt tweet=”Even if you’re missing the kernel of self-worth that ought to have been instilled when you were a youngster, you can still form it.” username=”izoldat”]

Build Confidence With This Simple Step

Here’s an easy way to do it. We will praise and lift up others before we will do it for ourselves. So, treat yourself as if you would treat your best friend. If your friend were feeling a lack of self-confidence, what would you say to her to boost her spirits? You might say, “You’re worthwhile. You’re wonderful. You are strong, kind, and beautiful.” And you wouldn’t think twice. But, you would refrain from saying this to yourself because you might be afraid to sound egotistical. So, remove your self-judgment from the equation by treating yourself the way you would treat your friend. Ask yourself the following question. “If I were my own best friend, and I felt low, what would I say to myself to make things better?” And then answer the question.
It is possible to use this technique for most questions we don’t have answers for. When you don’t feel confident about your abilities to answer a question or achieve a goal, ask yourself the following question. “If I were someone who knew how to do this, what would I do?” An answer will float up almost immediately.
Somehow, our minds work things through much better and faster with this technique. And then we can get through the arduous time and into our own blossoming feelings of confidence in our abilities and love of ourselves.

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