How to prevent mixed messages and misunderstandings

When teaching or giving instructions, it’s best to follow a few simple rules. Tell them what you’re going to tell them. Tell them. Tell them what you told them. That often works. But, people learn differently so we have to accommodate those styles. If they’re visual learners, you’ll have to show them what to do. Or you might have to write everything down (I usually do this regardless).

Next, get their opinions. Ask them how they’d do it. That’s another point you can fix any misunderstandings. Plus, their ideas might improve the project. 

Then, ask them to reflect it all back to you. Make sure they understand it how you want them to. The best way to ensure that is to have them explain it to you in their words. You’ll be able to tell whether they have it and clean up any confusion if they don’t.

However you do it, make sure you have a logic to what you’re asking of them. Go over it out loud a few times beforehand. That will highlight any hiccups, and you can fix them. Together, you will make sure you are giving and receiving clear messages and clear up confusion before it starts.

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