How to Use The Rule of 3 to Achieve Creative Success
A practical and tactical episode on how to budget your time and resources.
A practical and tactical episode on how to budget your time and resources.
It’s OK if you get stuck. We all do. The key is to have tactics to unstick yourself. Here are a few ideas on how to “doodle and noodle” so you can jump back on the creative wagon train.
Comedic Alchemy is Myq Kaplan’s Art This episode is brought to you by Izolda’s class, Meditation for Busy People. Discover clarity and joy in just five minutes a day. The episode is also brought to you by Izolda’s favorite productivity and well-being app,*, and this podcast’s host, Podbean*. Also, grab the speaking warm-up video to…
How to entice clients and customers by aligning with something they’re already interested in whether you’re a creative or an entrepreneur. In this walking/talking episode, I explore Pressed Juice’s Earth Day offering. They gave away a free juice for anyone who brought in two plastic bottles to recycle. What a great way to capture audience…
Much of what we feel and how we feel is a choice. I sometimes forget that. And it pays to remember. Sure, we all have dreams, ideas, ideals, wishes, etc. And we must reconcile our wishes and dreams with reality and accept that no matter how hard we try, we won’t achieve all of those…
It’s the beginning of the year and the beginning for projects you’ve been wanting to take on but haven’t started. Have you ever wondered how to get the ideas for creating content? Whether you’re starting a blog or creating a podcast or a vlog, this will help you generate ideas and speak to your audience…
Special needs diets aren’t even easy when you are at home with all your stuff. They are significantly harder when you are traveling. My ideal diet: Vegetarian (responsibly obtained ova lacto), wheat free, light on the tofu, sucrose-free, chocolate-free. While I was in PA, I ate a lot of pizza (so lots of wheat). Why?…