Inner and outer fitness – encore
Enjoy this encore episode. New episodes will begin May 29th with the inimitable Ryan Hayashi.
Enjoy this encore episode. New episodes will begin May 29th with the inimitable Ryan Hayashi.
We’re a few months after the beginning of the New Year. Many of us made resolutions to be more creative. We decided to learn an instrument or write that novel. But have we? If you need some help on starting, listen to today’s show for tips on how to do just that.
Enjoy this encore episode. New episodes return May 29th. This bonus episode details and deconstructs innovations in the Broadway show, Water for Elephants. The show is based on a movie which is based on a book. I never read the book or saw the movie because they depict cruelty to animals. I wasn’t sure about seeing this show, but they worked the “animals”…
Yesterday, I learned a lesson about the importance of working with the people who will best respond to your efforts. I have read a great deal about identifying your avatar and then producing and marketing to that avatar. The avatar can be defined as the ideal receiver of your product. It could be the ideal…
There are psychological, emotional, and professional benefits of talking to strangers. Find out what they are in this solo Izolda episode. You can increase your sense of well-being, emotional health, and sense of connection if you greet a stranger like a friend. In this episode, you’ll also get a couple of techniques on how to…