Creativity and Business: Know your tools

How knowing what you’re using can revolutionize your work & life.

Figure out what your tools can do. It sounds like a simple thing to say. But we often use tools we don’t really know. Think about something as basic to your work as Microsoft Word. You probably know how to do a lot. But do you know all its capabilities? What about PowerPoint? How well do you know everything it does?

I’ve used PPT to do the task in front of me but that’s about it. Then someone advised me to go through every option on every menu and see what it did. I’m still working through it because there’s a lot of functionality. This new knowledge has already improved my presentations. example, I’m inserting a short animation into my negotiation presentation at Hood College tomorrow. I needed it to stop at the end and not rewind to the first frame like it does by default. And there’s a setting for that! Because I know that, I’ll be able to present my exact vision to the graduate business students.

When you know your tools, you don’t have to compromise your ideas. So, pick a tool and learn it. It will free you to create more effective and inspiring work. Learn more at

PS what tools do you want to learn how to use better?

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