Let’s get ti it in 2020
On this New Year’s Eve, I explore how we might live more kindly and compassionately on this Earth.
On this New Year’s Eve, I explore how we might live more kindly and compassionately on this Earth.
Alan, Izolda, Megan, and Sergio recover a sense of power This week we discuss power, courage, anger, shame, and much more! Join Alan Fessenden, Megan Vasiles, Sergio Giovanni, and yours truly as we work our way through Julia Cameron’s seminal book. This week is Week 3 of the 12-week class/process. We discuss our challenges and…
2/23/12: Ace of Pentacles, Three of Pentacles, Five of Pentacles. These cards keep coming up, which tells me that I need to be more practical and need to keep dealing with my own physical, real world issues today, tomorrow, and for the foreseeable future. Deal with your physical body today. Take care of yourself. Eat…
Lead Your Team Right How Can You Lead When You’re Not Sure Who Your Team Members Are? As a leader, you want to lead your team right. You want to serve your team. But how do you do it if you’re not sure who they are and what they need in order to succeed? Each…
Tee Morris on Writing, Podcasting, Leadership, and Some of the Latest Social Media Platforms You Need to Know About. Tee Morris has been writing science fiction, fantasy, horror, and non-fiction for over a decade. His first novel, MOREVI: The Chronicles of Rafe & Askana, became the first novel to be podcast in its entirety, ushering…
Yesterday, I facilitated my “Present Out Loud” workshop at Balticon (the Maryland Regional Science Fiction/Fantasy convention). The workshop is on how to present/read your work at bookstore events, interviews, audio narrations, and workshops. We worked on breath technique, voicing, characterization, and how to differentiate your narrator from your characters and their dialogue. But mostly, we…
Four Writers, Actors, Musicians, and Podcasters embark on a process of creative discovery. Join them. This episode is brought to you by Brain.fm. I love and use brain.fm! It combines music and neuroscience to help me focus, meditate, and even sleep! Because you listen to this show, you can get a free trial and 20%…