Let’s get ti it in 2020
On this New Year’s Eve, I explore how we might live more kindly and compassionately on this Earth.
On this New Year’s Eve, I explore how we might live more kindly and compassionately on this Earth.
Welcome to the Creative Solutions Podcast Whether you want to write a story or solve the climate crisis, you need to think in new and world-changing ways. When you come up with creative solutions, you lead the way. The podcast has evolved into its new incarnation. Moving forward, I’ll be focusing on how leaders, innovators,…
Here’s what I have realized I tend to do. I tend to ignore what my inner self, my best partner in any venture or adventure, is trying to tell me (And that fear, pain, or discomfort? That’s your inner self giving you data). I tend to want to push through whatever fear, discomfort, or pain…
Chandler Bolt, a C-level English student turned six-time best-selling on How to Publish Your Book Cool Bonus! Get Chandler’s Book, Published, For Free by Visiting https://PublishedBook.com/izolda Chandler Bolt is an investor, the CEO of Self-Publishing School & SelfPublishing.com, Forbes 30 Under 30, and the author of 7 bestselling books including his most recent book titled…
The Art of Embracing Vulnerability: Unleashing Your Creative Strength This episode is brought to you by Izolda’s class, Meditation for Busy People. Discover clarity and joy in just five minutes a day. The episode is also brought to you by Izolda’s favorite productivity and well-being app, Brain.fm*, and this podcast’s host, Podbean*. Also, grab the speaking…
How to stay inspired and not tumble into paralysis and stagnation NOTICE: If you come back to listen to this show on Apple Podcasts on Monday, and it’s not here, it’s because of a snafu. Please go to https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-innovative-mindset/id1447555741 to resubscribe on Apple Podcasts. I meditate daily. I have been setting intentions for my meditation practice….
Reframe your negative thoughts to free your creativity.
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