Navigate the creativity prep process
Enjoy this encore episode. New episodes will begin May 29th with the inimitable Ryan Hayashi.
Enjoy this encore episode. New episodes will begin May 29th with the inimitable Ryan Hayashi.
When teaching or giving instructions, it’s best to follow a few simple rules. Tell them what you’re going to tell them. Tell them. Tell them what you told them. That often works. But, people learn differently so we have to accommodate those styles. If they’re visual learners, you’ll have to show them what to do….
Unveiling The Secrets We Keep: A Creative Journey This episode is brought to you by my favorite productivity and well-being app,* and my book on how to become a stellar speaker, Speak From Within. Are you ready to unlock your vocal potential? Grab the Speak with Confidence One-sheet for three easy techniques. Grab a…
Today’s power words from my Show Up! Journal free-write. It’s physics. The more force we exert in any one direction the more vulnerable we become from other directions. So, it makes sense to not be rigid or too regimented in any aspect of our lives. Whether it is the way we think, the way we…
Learn How Just Five Minutes Can Spark Innovation! Take the survey. This episode is brought to you by my favorite productivity and well-being app,*, my book on how to become a stellar communicator, Speak From Within, and this podcast’s host, Podbean (Get a one-month free trial of Podbean with this affiliate link. Leave me a voice message….
When your priorities change so can your vision board. Here’s my latest. As you can see in comparison to my last one, I still love my critters, I still want to work on behalf of the earth and the animals. Now, I have added music and speaking about creativity, happiness, goal-setting, and Fulfillment. I still…
Reframe your negative thoughts to free your creativity.
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