Functional Tarot
How can a bunch of cards help you build self-awareness, grown and success?

What do 84 cards* with a bunch of pictures and symbols on them have to do with your deepest self? How can they help you gain wisdom about your dreams and more importantly how can you use them to identify your goals and come up with practical plans of action to achieve them?
We think the cards are going to tell us the future. They aren’t. They’re going to tell us a possible future. What they really do is help us look deep into ourselves, into our subconscious, our motivations, our self-awareness, and our deepest wants and needs. And then they help us come up with the story of what might happen based on what we want and what we do about it.
I designed this deck to spark your intuitive, imaginative, and storytelling skills. Each card is beautiful, vibrant, and full of vivid imagery and symbols. This deck will bring out the functional intuition you already possess.
What’s Practical About Tarot?
This deck is about being practical about what you see, think, and do. Many tarot decks have a more spirituality-driven focus. This deck is about the stories we tell to ourselves and others. If we study symbols and images, we can glean a ton of useful information, and that’s how this deck works. It will spark ideas in your mind.
See some of the images below. Study what’s happening. Notice the symbols. The stories will jump off the cards so you can hone your intuitive skills. And if you want to improve your storytelling skills, this deck will help you become a masterful spinner of tales. In fact, this deck was inspired by a novel series I’m writing.
Further, as you learn the cards, you can also use the exclusive Functional Tarot Card Interpretation Guide. You’ll get my interpretation of the cards and their calls to action while you improve your ability to read. The guide is free with the purchase of the deck (you’ll get a download link to the pdf). The cards are 2.25 inches x 3.5 inches and will come in a pretty black velvet bag. Six explainer cards will accompany the deck if you’re itching to get started.
You already have the skills to use this deck. You might just not know it yet. These cards will help you focus, go inward to your own vision, and reveal your path from your inner wisdom. That’s the thing about this deck. It amazes me how easy it is to read the cards. I designed it to be that way, but it surprises just how quickly the story of a reading appears. Trust yourself to know what’s what, and you’ll be amazed at what comes to you when you study, learn, and read with these cards.
After reading for more than 14,000 people, I realized that the 78 cards are 78 universal paths to wisdom. And if they’re universal, that means we can all access them. Most of us just need to learn. So, use these cards, the explainer cards, and the full Tarot Card Description guide to forge your own path. You already have the skills. Now, go put them to use to tell the story of your life.
See the cards below. (The actual cards are smaller than these images [2.25 inches x 3.5 inches], but this way you can see all the details up close and personal.) ?
*There are 78 cards in the traditional tarot deck, but since I want this to reflect the human experience, I added six bonus cards to round out what the deck can illustrate about your deepest self.