
Resolve Issues Successfully

How to Raise and Resolve Issues Successfully With Friends and Loved Ones

This week’s podcast episode explores something many of us find anxiety-provoking. How do we raise issues with our friends and loved ones successfully?

What do we need to know to do it successfully? Generally, students don’t learn how to resolve conflicts in school. Additionally, parents don’t necessarily model the appropriate behaviors. This week’s podcast episode shows you how. Please note: this information is intended to help resolve more general interpersonal conflicts and challenges. More emergency conflicts require different processes. If you need help immediately, call the authorities or see some of the links below.

So, how do you learn to resolve issues?

raise issues workbook Download this workbook for the complete step-by-step process.

Listen to the show to learn a step-by-step process. Download the accompanying workbook at https://IzoldaT.com/158download. The workbook takes you through this step-by-step process to figure out your needs, your state of mind and feelings, and the best steps to address the issue with your partner. Then, keep the workbook handy and fill out the next time you need to raise an issue with a loved one. The workbook helps you clarify your thoughts, feelings, and goals. With it, you will farther along on the road to communicating your concerns, issues, and feelings and addressing them with the people in your life. You will deepen your relationships and feel better and more connected to partners, spouses, and family.

This episode is brought to you by my upcoming book, Speak From Within.

In my upcoming book, Speak From Within, I delve into interpersonal relations and communication. Further, I give strategies on how to initiate communication, build listening skills, and know your role in social situations. The book comes out on September 1, 2018. It will help you build and develop communication and speaking skills that are so crucial for successful interactions with friends and loved ones.

In the podcast, I mention some scenarios when you might need extra help. If things are really bad, here are some links that might help in emergency situations. Please, always remember to take care of yourself. You are loved, and you deserve to feel happy and safe.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

House of Ruth

Advocates for Human Rights

Robert Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotions

See it here.

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