Review Hugh Jackman The Man The Music The Tour

Hugh Jackman at the Nassau Coliseum.

For sheer entertainment value, last night’s Hugh Jackman concert ranks up there with the best I’ve seen. (Don’t read on if you’re planning on seeing the show and want to be surprised).
Yes, there were a few pitch issues (his voice was tired on the low notes. And also, I think the beginning of “Come Alive” from “The Greatest Showman” is actually too low for him to sing comfortably even in the best of voice). But overall, he and his cast and crew delivered an amazing event.
Jackman was charming, delightful, funny, and danced and sang and acted beautifully (he also did a lovely tribute to his Deb). He performed songs from the musicals he’s been in (Les Mis, The Boy From Oz, The Greatest Showman, etc). But he also did a bunch of classics. There was aboriginal singing and didg playing. Keala Settle dropped by and sang a couple of songs (she was fab!). The orchestra was top-notch. And the dancers and singers knocked every bit of things out of the park. Oh and the dance mistress? Whoever she is, she blew everyone away!
I don’t know how much actual input he had in the format and the song list, but it felt like these were all things *he* really wanted to showcase about his life, his movies, stage work, and the music and art he loves.
I’m so glad I didn’t miss this even though it took some serious doing to get me from a gig on Staten Island to Uniondale, NY.
Worth it!!

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