Getting Started – The Three Things You Must Do To Create

I get it. You’ve got a ton to do. Every day. But somewhere in the back of your head, this tiny voice is saying, “But didn’t you say you want to write a book/act in a play/learn the guitar?”

And as much as you try to ignore that little voice, it never hushes up. 

I’ve heard that little voice most of my life. I wasn’t always an avowed creative. I used to think that rarified air belonged to other people. It took me years to figure out that the most important thing when you want to create something is to start.

This episode will take you through a “Start Creating” scenario. If you follow it, you’ll start. And hey, you might even finish. Now wouldn’t that be fab?


For the example in the episode, I used writing, but you can apply this to other creative outlets. And if you want to write that first book, grab the template pdf and use it to finally, finally begin!

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