Soil-The Earth’s Dynamic Skin

Soil: The Earth’s Dynamic Skin!
(Our most popular program)
What do a carrot, a brick, a glass, and Neosporin all have in common? They would not exist without soil!
Join us for this exciting, hands-on, interactive program on one of our most mysterious natural resources: the Soil! Learn the Soil’s secrets and stories.
Basic Information
- Programs are either two or four hours in length
- The four-hour program includes an extended outdoor field component
- Each program is inquiry-based, interactive, and has a fieldwork component.
- Maximum participant number: 50
- Ideal for school Gifted programs
- Workshops satisfy K-12 Earth, Life, and Physical Science NGSS.
Find out how you can help protect one of our most vital natural resources.
See the Demo Video.
The Program:
- Learn the many connections between the soil and our lives.
- Complete a fascinating learning activity on how soil filters water with “Just Passing Through” where students predict which soil will filter the fastest and cleanest water.
- See and feel the many colors and textures of the soil with hands-on learning activities in soil color, structure, and texture.
- Do soil science and analysis
- Have fun as you learn just how much soil there is in the world in this thrilling two-hour program.
- See cool images like the one below from NASA, and learn how the soil impacts the entire planet.

Soil programs for K-12+ and beyond
These interactive programs are perfect for school events and assemblies as well as Girl or Boy Scout Training Days, 4-H workshops, and many other events.

What’s this soil’s story?
Every soil has one. Want to know this soil’s story? Click here.

Our Programs