Standing Up

What It Takes To Walk The Path to Stand-up Comedy

In this week’s episode, I continue to chronicle the journey to becoming a stand-up comedian. And I have help!

I’ve already mentioned that as part of this process, I decided to allow myself to suck. I’m keeping a Beginner’s Mind (seems to be crucial for me to be able to stand up in front of people, connect with them, and try to make them laugh). 

But this week, I’ve asked some of my classmates to join me on the show. Each week and through the class show, I’ll interview them to see how they’re progressing. Miranda Roldan and Molly Bossardt join me to dig into mindset, courage, and what it takes to write a joke. 

You’ll love hearing their take. Miranda is a working actor, and Molly is brand new to performing of any kind. Two different perspectives that will give you a ton of insights on what it takes to take on this new challenge and achieve such nerve-wracking goals.

Drop a comment and let these fab women know how wonderful they are!

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