
Breathing Deep Dive

Breathing Deep Dive Use this video to stay focused and achieve. Breathing correctly changes everything! This video takes you on a deep dive into your breath. If you have trouble figuring out how to breathe optimally, this is for you! It’s a super quick explanation on how to do it right. Using this tip, you’ll…

You are the machine. 

Today’s Show Up! Journal power words. I’m sitting after having taken care of my morning leg massage, that allows me to walk, and thinking it’s important. It’s important to take care of ourselves. If we don’t, who will?  Vitality and Health are two of the ingredients that give us drive and purpose. If we are…

A success equation

Today’s Show Up! Journal power words: I love the free-write portion of my journaling in the morning. The realizations sometimes come fast. And sometimes they knock me on the noggin and go, “Yeah, we’ve been trying to tell you this for the last 35 years.”  The temptation to burn out rather than fade away can…