How to Provide for Your Plant-based Attendees at Meetings and Events

How to Provide for Your Plant-based Attendees at Meetings and Events. People are embracing plant-based diets. And that’s changing how events and meetings are run. If you know you’ll have plant-based attendees, how will you provide for your plant-based attendees to make your meeting successful and give all your attendees a delicious and healthy meal? And which are…

Two Things Build Successful Relationships

Credible Authority and Trust: Two critical aspects of building successful long-term client relationships Here’s the truth. To build these successful relationships, you have to be a credible expert, and you must have their trust. First, you have to establish yourself as a credible authority with potential clients. When meeting with them for the first time,…

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3 Tips for Shy People Who Want To Shine in Groups

When last we met, we talked about eye contact and I said I would address what shy or reserved people can do to facilitate interactions with others. In groups, people who are more reserved sometimes have issues. And if you have anxiety about groups, it can be even more challenging. Here are my top three…