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Today's Tarot 3/3/12

3/3/12. Page of Swords, Ace of Pentacles. Hmm, the first card drawn was the same as yesterday. And, I tried, twice, to choose a different card because I though that it would be kind of ridiculous to write up the same card two days in a row. Not so. The ridiculous thing is that I chose it again, and then again. Obviously, that darn Page isn’t done with us yet. So, here goes. Remember how yesterday I said that we really ought to be the person who thinks things through? Well, that goes double for today. Plan, plot, predict, and whatever other P-word you want to use that means, “think it through.” Do that. It’s important. For whatever reason, the Ace of Pentacles, the card that represents the basic and true you, in your day-to-day, really needs you to strategize rather than jump on in. The Ace is a tremendous card. It represents all new possibilities in your life. It manifests the physical good, the germinating seed that stretches for the sun. It is the beginning of sustenance and the lovely feeling of relaxation that can come over us when we know that we and those we love are cared for, provided for, and safe. The way to do that? Think.

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