Today's Tarot: Temperance (Balance, synchronicity, getting it just right)
Today’s Tarot: Temperance
Today’s Tarot: Temperance
I chose the Star back on January 10th so if you want to read that write-up and apply it to your life today, please find it here. Here is today’s take on the card. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately about how what we do makes us who we are. If you make…
King of Swords and Seven of Pentacles. Reap the rewards of all your efforts and planning or, plan better for next time. How much does it frustrate you that despite your best efforts things get all FUBARed? You plan. You make lists. You figure it out step-by-step. And despite all that, once you get started…
Sometimes, despite our best efforts to be stalwart, true, and virtuous, we’re temped to shirk our responsibilities and take the easy way out. The seven of swords portends that today will be such a day. Around every corner, we’ll be tempted to take our toys and go home, or at least to sneak off and…
This week’s cards rock, on toast, with sugar-free, all natural jam. The first card: Two of Cups. This card is all about connection, sharing, a soul-to-soul union. If the past comes calling (and by “the past,” I mean an old lover/partner/boyfriend/girlfriend/snookly, and that person gave you warm fuzzies and you parted on good terms with…
Today’s Tarot: The Star Dreams, Creativity, Inspiration. When I think of the Star card, I think of keeping your feet on the ground while reaching for your dreams. In the card, the figure literally has one foot on land (of practicality) and the other in the water (of dreams). She tells us to stay practical…
Ace of Rods, King of Cups. Wow! Purposeful compassion, creativity, and romance. If you need/want/desire to start on any of the three of these, today is the day. The Ace inspires and even demands new beginnings, actions taken, and the start of a brand new, more active path. The King is is the external expression…
Reframe your negative thoughts to free your creativity.
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