Today's Tarot: Temperance (Balance, synchronicity, getting it just right)
Today’s Tarot: Temperance
Today’s Tarot: Temperance
Ah, the Queen of Cups is one of my favorite cards in the deck. She represents the compassionate, generous, creative aspect of the deck like few other cards. Not only that, but she reminds us that while we are being compassionate, giving, generous, and tender toward everyone else, not to forget ourselves. “Sure!” she says….
The wounded warrior stands, to the last, to defend the castle. She or he is heroic, brave, true and defensive. And that last one isn’t necessarily a bad thing depending on what we’re going through. Don’t get me wrong. I truly believe that sometimes we are under attack. Someone has it out for us and…
3/2/12. Page of Swords, Ten of Pentacles. This is going to sound a little preachy, but here goes. Today, it’s about being what you need to be, especially when we are talking about stressful situations. The Page calls on us to *be* the person who thinks things through, to *be* the person who doesn’t just…
Yegads, how do I write about the Tower? It’s change. It comes upon you. It often takes you by surprise. It kicks your butt and often, very often, it leaves you bedraggled and exhausted but clinging to a new shore on which you will leave a vastly different and generally better life. When a client…
Today’s Tarot: The Fool (Hope, blank slate, leap of faith) The Fool is the zero card in the deck. He is the instant before the beginning. He is the spark, the glimmer of the thought. He stands at the edge of the Earth and then joyfully leaps into the void of the unknown. He is…
I chose the Star back on January 10th so if you want to read that write-up and apply it to your life today, please find it here. Here is today’s take on the card. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately about how what we do makes us who we are. If you make…