Today's Tarot: The Moon (uncertainty, choices, intuition)
Today’s Tarot: The Moon
Today’s Tarot: The Moon
Today’s Tarot: Four of Rods. (excitement, celebration, next steps) I love this card (and not just because I love weddings and it’s a card that depicts a wedding bower). It is just so happy. It’s the activity involved in either setting up a celebration or downright partying down. Take a moment today and rest on…
Today’s Tarot: Justice (Balance, Truth, Consequences) This can be a challenging card because it calls us out on our stuff. No one can lie to us like we can lie to ourselves. No one can rationalize for us like we can do to ourselves, and no one can take us for granted like we can…
The wounded warrior stands, to the last, to defend the castle. She or he is heroic, brave, true and defensive. And that last one isn’t necessarily a bad thing depending on what we’re going through. Don’t get me wrong. I truly believe that sometimes we are under attack. Someone has it out for us and…
Romantic, moody, emotional, compassionate, creative, imaginative, feeling – these all describe the Knight of Cups. Today is a day to really get into how we feel and what it means to be us in our shoes, at this time and in this place. Sometimes, it’s easy to know how we feel. When my cat climbs…
I find this card a hard one to write about. There are so many connotations that people find it hard to objective about this card. We tend to ascribe so many meanings, facets, and patinas to it that we never get to bottom of things. In my opinion, it is easy to put all the…
Today’s cards are an interesting extension of yesterday’s. We have the Five of Pentacles again, the Seven of Pentacles, and the Charriot. So, today, we don’t talk about being nice to others. Instead, we talk about being nice to ourselves. Particularly and especially if you have any health issues, take care of yourself today. Turn…
Reframe your negative thoughts to free your creativity.
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