Two easy questions to ask to break the ice with new people
If you have trouble meeting new people or breaking the ice, this short episode is for you.
If you have trouble meeting new people or breaking the ice, this short episode is for you.
Zach Stein Discusses How Sustainable Investing Can Make a Positive Impact on Climate Change Zach Stein is one of the founders of Carbon Collective, the online investment platform built around solving climate change. Built with his oldest childhood friend, Carbon Collective constructs and manages portfolios that mitigate climate risk, while maximizing impact all for the…
How to Use TikTok if you’re an entrepreneur or a creative and you’re just starting out Have you been avoiding TikTok because it’s for young people, or you don’t know how to use it even though it has over a billion active users? Then today’s episode is for you. I’ve broken and detailed how I’m…
Voice Acting – Telling Someone Else’s Story with Heart and Soul Have you always wanted to do voiceover work? Do you dream of creating characters and stories with your voice? Are you a huge Bugs Bunny fan? Join me as I detail how to start on this magical aspect of the business of storytelling. I…
Features vs benefits. Which you should focus on when pitching your work in interviews, meetings, and any creative endeavor.
We hear a lot about how confidence is a crucial aspect of being a successful public speaker. Certainly, it’s important. But there are other factors in play that will make or break your presentation. Whether or not you’re a Creative, you’ll need to know how to present about what you do. Confidence plays a role,…
It’s so simple and automatic. And it can be super hard to remember in the moment. Not since I had pneumonia as a teenager have I been so aware of the need to breathe and how lucky I feel that I can do it without any trouble. This short episode is all about how to…