What you need to thwart jealousy and envy
Morning Meditation Series on Envy, Stagnation, and the Ways to Thwart Them
I meditate daily. I have been setting intentions for my meditation practice. I want to figure out the psychology behind inaction. This week I’ll be tackling the following thoughts.
Meditation from this morning
- Hope without action leads to delusion.
- Desire without action leads to envy.
- Promises without action lead to falsehoods.
- Goals without action lead to resentment.
- Inspiration without action leads to stagnation.
- Apologies without action lead nowhere.
Today I’m looking at the first two. Listen in to find out how you can keep hope and desire from turning into delusion and envy.
This episode is brought to you by Brain.fm. I love and use brain.fm! It combines music and neuroscience to help me focus, meditate, and even sleep! Because you listen to this show, you can get a free trial and 20% off with this exclusive coupon code: innovativemindset .*
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You’ll love this episode if you want to spark your inner genius. And don’t forget there’s a bonus mini-episode here if you join the coffee by the water club.
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