drama masks with your creative mind light bulb logo in front a blue theatre curtain and the words Your Creative Mind Play Podcast Table Read

Hi and welcome to the Your Creative Mind Podcast Play Table Read page.

If you know what’s up and are ready to submit your play, fill out your availability for a future read, or you want to be an actor, head here.

What’s this all about?

Do you want to hear your play read out loud and get some new fans of your work at the same time? I host the Your Creative Mind Podcast. I have thousands of monthly listeners, and I’m also a playwright. I want to add a weekly episode to my show where we do a table read of an unproduced/unpublished play.

I have some actors who have said they’re interested, but I need more. And I would like to have our new plays out there to build buzz, get new audiences for our work, and perhaps even get production offers if this is successful enough.

Here’s how it works.

You’ve written a play. You’ve edited it like crazy, and you’re ready to hear it out in the world. You submit it to below. A small group decides play order, etc. A bunch of actors read your play in a live podcast recording session (via zoom but all together).

We publish the episode on the Your Creative Mind Podcast (Fridays), and thousands of people hear your work. I and you promote the episode to our followers, so more and more people get to hear your play.

Emmy and Grammy winners as well as Tony and Academy Award nominees have appeared on the show. My audience consists of people in various facets of the industry as well as potential sponsors, supporters, and producers.

This is all be free at no cost to you. The only thing we ask is that if you submit a play to be read, that you make yourself available to read someone else’s play. That way no one has to read their own play (unless they want to) and can instead concentrate on how it flows and what they want to improve.


drama masks with red theatre urtain, lightbulb logo and Your Creative Mind Podcast Table Read Form
To submit a play to be read, please head here. Note: If you submit a play to be read, you must also agree to read someone else’s play, so everyone gets a turn.
black curtain with drama masks and quote that says "Your creative mind podcast PLAY submission form
To submit a second or third play to be read, go here. For every play you submit, you also have to agree to read for someone else’s play. This form is only for people who have already filled out the above form.
drama masks, your creative mind lightbulb podcast logo, and "Actor Submission Your Creative Mind Podcast Table Read Form."
To submit to be an actor, please fill out the actor form here.
drama masks with gold theatre curtain, lightbulb logo and Table Read audition and Scheduling/Availability Form
The availability/recording session scheduling form will change weekly. Here is the current form, but please do not submit anything until the next play has been selected and sides are posted. Sides for each table read will be linked in this form. You’ll be notified here.

This Week’s Play

Next Play: kindred spirits by Ian Donley

Ian Donley’s kindred spirits